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Mind uploading: Can we become immortal?

Is the quest to upload human consciousness and ditch our meat puppets the future—or is it fool's gold?

  • Technology has evolved to a point where humans have overridden natural selection. So what will our species become? Immortal interstellar travelers, perhaps.
  • Scientists are currently mapping the human brain in an effort to understand the connections that produce consciousness. If we can re-create consciousness, your mind can live on forever. You could even laser-port your consciousness to different planets at the speed of light, download your mind into a local avatar and explore those worlds.
  • But is this transhumanist vision of the future real or is it a pipedream? And if it is real, is it wise? Join theoretical physicist Michio Kaku, neuroscientist David Eagleman, human performance researcher Steven Kotler, skeptic Michael Shermer, cultural theorist Douglas Rushkoff and futurist Jason Silva.

The Future of the Mind: The Scientific Quest to Understand, Enhance, and Empower the Mind List Price: $15.95 New From: $8.95 in Stock Used From: $2.71 in Stock

This story originally appeared on: Big Think - Author:Big Think

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