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Stars are back at it after coronavirus

Alyssa Milano’s TV show with Tony Danza — “Who’s the Boss?” — is coming back. The sequel takes place 30 years later. Taking place now is her recovery from COVID-19. How she got it, not sure. How she got rid of it, she’s sure. The “Charmed” star charmed docs by subsequently helping to “brew a …

Alyssa Milano’s TV show with Tony Danza — “Who’s the Boss?” — is coming back.

The sequel takes place 30 years later. Taking place now is her recovery from COVID-19. How she got it, not sure. How she got rid of it, she’s sure.

The “Charmed” star charmed docs by subsequently helping to “brew a potion.”

She says she gained immunity by donating her own blood plasma, which they then turned into plasma cells, which then turned into COVID antibodies, which then were given to high-risk people.

Alyssa: “Maybe I got COVID just for that reason — to help others.”

Another former COVIDite, Tom Hanks, is also running around big-time. Possibly playing Geppetto in coming live-
action “Pinocchio.” Its director, Robert Zemeckis, won an Oscar a load of years ago for “Forrest Gump,” which also starred Hanks.

She Drew on past

CBS’s new Drew Barrymore talk thing starts Sept. 14. Its promo is Drew from a 1982 “Tonight Show” which got concocted weeks back at an East Hampton public TV station — because she’s quarantining out East. CBS took over LTV, schlepped in a cleaning crew — masked, sprayed, gloved, plastic’d, aproned — and more antiseptic spritzes than an ICU. Special effects removed Johnny Carson, and it became today’s 45-year-old Drew interviewing 7-year-old Drew. Toddler Drew and modern Drew together. May the rest of her show stay this clever.

That was my idea

I, shy Madam Adams, am not one to call attention to myself. Poo on the thought. However, last week de Blasio burped out-of-state car arrivals traffic CV into our city. Now, NYC’s stationing random checkpoints, forms to complete, mandatory quarantine and fines to $10,000 if you’re a vehicle that’s high-risk. However, it was me — ME! — who wrote and suggested this weeks ago after I knew of a vehicle with New York plates driving passengers home from Florida. Just sayin’.

Looking to Andy for help

Marion Scotto about her East 52nd Fresco by Scotto restaurant: “We closed in March. We reopen September after Labor Day. First time in months. We just met with staff. Who knows about seating? I’ll talk to the governor. He’s my customer. I know him since he’s a kid. I’ll tell him, ‘You got to help us.’ We opened 26 years ago. We seat 185 people. So now it’s people outdoors? Table for six, take away two chairs and make for four? What about when cold or rainy? The governor likes our private room upstairs. But customers want downstairs. In population. The vibe of a crowded place, seeing their friends. We don’t know what to do. How to do. I’m going to have to talk to the governor.”

Sick of all this

The 1918 Spanish flu, end of WWI, started in a Kansas Army base. Crippling our troops, this outbreak was decimating Europe, but censorship prohibited any reports that could harm the war effort. So, neutral during that war, it was Spain freely reporting aspects of the epidemic. Because initial reports came from the Spanish press, it was called the Spanish flu. The White House claims that since today’s pandemic started in Wuhan, it’s appropriate to call it the Chinese flu. Whateverthehell we call it, we got rid of it then, we’ll get rid of it now.

The Bard of the basement: Biden was a little lamb. His hair was white as snow. And everywhere that candidate went, the voters would go “Ugh, no!”

Totally unconfirmed is, asked about Scrabble, he said: “She’d be great as a VP.”

Only in the USA, kids, only in the USA.

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