A new study found that words are more accurately heard when accompanied by hand gestures.
Most of us know by now that 10,000 steps is recommended everywhere as a target to achieve – and yet where did this number actually come from?
Travel restrictions and social distancing forced scientists to cancel studies or pause their work for months.
Adam Frank, a card-carrying atheist and physics professor, wonders if there might be more to life than pure science.
How do these little beasties detect light anyway?
Life is absurd, that detail can be the start of a great many things.
Radar astronomy is nothing new, but a new transmitter may give us unprecedented image resolution.
Ari Loeb, who suggested in 2018 that the mysterious object was an alien craft, is back to discuss the evidence.
"Deepfakes" and "cheap fakes" are becoming strikingly convincing — even ones generated on freely available apps.
The main bioactive compound in catnip seems to protect cats from mosquitoes. It might protect humans, too.