Tennessee teacher pepper-sprayed by student: 'Give me my phone!'

After taking a student's cell phone away, a Tennessee high school teacher was pepper-sprayed.

Fox17 said that the event happened last Friday at Antioch High School, which is in the areas around Nashville.

@Lazy_Mouse3803 shared a video to Reddit that shows the high schooler spraying the teacher with pepper spray. She follows him out of the room and tells him to give her phone back. When he said no, she sprayed pepper spray right in his face a second time, making him fall to his knees. She still tries to get her phone.

Because of all the noise, a worried teacher and another adult came into the hallway to talk to the student and tell her to move away.

As the student kept asking for her cell phone back, it didn't seem like anyone cared that the teacher had been hit..

“Can I get my phone?” the student repeated. “Can I get my phone? Can I get my phone? I need my phone!”

Off-camera, another student pointed out the absurdity of the attack saying, “over a phone? This shit is crazy.”

The Metro Nashville Public Schools said the student’s action “represents a serious violation of law and our school policies” and has “received appropriate disciplinary consequences.”

The Reddit user who uploaded the video said this is the second time this teacher has been assaulted during the school year. Two months ago, he was punched in the face for taking away a student’s phone during a test.

Attacks on teachers have become a common news headline, and just last week, Breitbart reported that a Texas vice principal was sent to the hospital for trying to break up a fight between two students. Instead of students coming to her aid, a mob quickly ensued with the students screaming, “Everybody kick that ho!”

Laurie Langreo of Education Week wrote that teachers think it was hard for students to switch from learning at home during the pandemic to learning in the classroom afterward.

A new EdWeek Research Center survey found that more than four out of ten teachers said at least one teacher in their area had been hurt by a student in the past year.

The poll of 1,042 district leaders, principals, and teachers was done from July 27 to August 8.

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