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Jennifer Coolidge: 25 Things You Don’t Know About Me!

‘Promising Young Woman’ star Jennifer Coolidge revealed 25 things you might not know about her exclusively to Us Weekly — details

Jennifer Coolidge 25 Things You Don't Know About Me
Jennifer Coolidge Matt Baron/Shutterstock

Since her rise to fame as iconic Stifler’s Mom in the American Pie franchise and esthetician Paulette Bonafonté Parcelle in the Legally Blonde flicks, Jennifer Coolidge has become one of the most recognizable faces in Hollywood. Still, though, there’s so much you don’t know about her.

With her latest film, Promising Young Woman, out in theaters now, Coolidge exclusively opened up to Us Weekly about 25 fun facts about herself — including the president she’s related to and how she lives in a haunted house.

Did we get your attention? Keep scrolling to find out more about the 59-year-old funny actress!

1. My favorite flowers are peonies.

2. I went on vacation and dated two guys who knew each other. I told them I had an identical twin and went out with both of them.

3. When I was 10, I made [a] remake of Jaws. My dad swam with a fin on his back and my sister was the shark victim.

4. I’ve always loved film. I begged teachers to let me substitute movies for papers.

5. I love animals. My dog Chuy was rescued from a meat factory in Korea, thanks to The Animal Rescue Mission.

6. I probably have more costumes than regular clothes.

7. I grew up in a small town in Massachusetts.

8. I was born without any energy so everyday involves at least 12 shots of espresso.

9. My house in New Orleans is 150 years old. Some say it’s haunted.

10. In my first serious play, my family didn’t recognize me because I was playing a man.

Jennifer Coolidge in Legally Blonde
Jennifer Coolidge and Reese Witherspoon in Legally Blonde Tracy Bennett/Mgm/Kobal/Shutterstock

11. I get along with most of my exes.

12. My favorite holiday is Halloween.

13. If I can’t find a hair tie [for] a ponytail, I just use my underwear.

14. The best gift I ever received was a trip to Africa from my friend Mike. We slept in tents on the Serengeti. I would search the tent for hours looking for snakes [but] never saw one.

15. I used to be able to run really fast.

16. I was once locked out of the house and I jumped the fence but didn’t know the gardener had put a new stake in the yard. I got impaled. It was a bloody mess. I’m lucky to be alive.

17. If I wasn’t an actor, I would [want to] be a billionaire that gave away money to people and animals that deserved it.

18. In second grade, we had a contest for who could name the six guinea pigs in the classroom. I named one Bell Bottoms. I can’t believe they went for it. Even I knew it was lame.

19. Also in second grade, my teacher asked us all to write a flattering paragraph about our moms for Mother’s Day. I found the book recently. [My] opening sentence was: “My mother has soft brown eyes like a cow.”

20. I went to an orchestra camp for three summers. I played the clarinet. I thought I might do it for a living.

21. I’m the only person I know that has become less intelligent as they’ve gotten older.

22. I am related to President Calvin Coolidge. I’m his sixth cousin twice removed.

23. Sometimes I try to figure out how many pieces of gum I can put into my mouth at once.

24. If I was stranded alone on an island, I would bring a tweezer, a magnifying mirror and some espresso.

25. I’ve always looked old for my age. I bought a case of beer when I was 11 with my neighbor’s wig.

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This story originally appeared on: US Magazine - Author:Sophie Dweck

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