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Donald Trump, Nobel Prize and Moon: the news of the night

Donald Trump back in meeting. The US president held his first campaign rally on Monday since he tested positive for Covid-19.

The rally took place in Sanford, Florida. Mr. Trump, who according to his doctor has had at least two days of negative tests, appeared on the scene without a mask, like many spectators, Politico notes. In a speech of about an hour, he said he felt “powerful,” emphasizing his immunity. He reiterated, as for several months, that "the treatment could not be worse than the disease," welcoming the Florida governor's decision to reopen the economy and tourism in his state. The White House tenant attacked Joe Biden, who he said would impose strict lockdown if elected and who only holds small rallies during this campaign. Donald Trump is due to attend three other meetings this week.

The Nobel Prize in Economics awarded to two Stanford professors. Paul Milgrom and Robert Wilson teach at the famous University of Northern California. They are being recognized, explains NPR, for their work on auction theory which, according to the Nobel committee, “benefits sellers, buyers and taxpayers around the world”. In particular, they prepared the auction system used by the Federal Communications Commission for the sale of a frequency band to mobile phone operators. Sale that reported, state radio notes, more than $ 120 billion to the US government. "Auctions are everywhere and affect our daily life", justified the committee.

Russia not interested in a lunar mission. The head of Roscosmos, the Russian space program, explained Monday, October 12 that NASA's current plans to send humans back to the moon are too “American-centered”, reports The Verge. Moscow does not exclude participating but on condition, according to Dimitri Rogozin, that the Artemis program, heir to the Apollo missions, involves more international cooperation, as for the international space station. NASA's plan, says The Verge, calls for the construction of Lunar Gateway, a new space station near the Earth's star. Most of the proposed equipment, including the rocket and the lunar module, would be American.

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