• Which is more important: Work or Welfare?

    Which is more important: Work or Welfare?

    There is enough of employment now, but no one is interested. Labor participation rates in the United States have dropped from 80 percent in 1950 to 61 percent now, down from 64.4 percent in 2010. Nearly one-third of working-age males in the United States are unemployed, with high rates of incarceration, as well as drug, alcohol, and other health problems.
  • There Is No Welfare Utopia

    There Is No Welfare Utopia

    Unfortunately, a welfare state by any other name is still a welfare state.
  • A Libertarian Vision for Poverty and Welfare

    A Libertarian Vision for Poverty and Welfare

    The stereotypes of libertarian attitudes toward the poor range from indifference to outright hostility. Yet a libertarian world would offer the poor a greater opportunity to escape poverty, become self‐​sufficient, and attain their full potential than does our current government‐​run social welfare system. A libertarian approach to fighting poverty would be very different from our current one, which …