What does SaaS industries stand for?
AUSTIN, Texas, March 22, 2022/PRNewswire/ -- Idera, Inc. ("Idera"), parent company of global B2B software productivity brands, announced the acquisition of SaaS Industries GmbH ("SasS Industries"), an Austrian software company that provides API and microservices to developers.
What is the Best SaaS with zero staking fees?
Paid plan comes with many attractive features including zero staking fees. The online platform supports fiat currency and can be downloaded in your Android and iOS phones. In the free plan, staking fees are 9%. Founded in 2019, Figment Networks is one of the most trusted and dependable SaaS platforms in the crypto market.
What does the acquisition of SaaS industries mean for Idera?
Idera, Inc. ("Idera"), parent company of global B2B software productivity brands, announced the acquisition of SaaS Industries GmbH ("SasS Industries"), an Austrian software company that provides API and microservices to developers.
What will the next decade of SaaS look like?
So while the past decade of the consumerization of SaaS has taught us how to more effectively get in front of users, this next decade will be about the cryptofication of SaaS and how to properly incentivize users to do the necessary work to have the right experience with your product.