What is bitstring in Python?
Simple construction, analysis and modification of binary data. bitstring is a pure Python module designed to help make the creation and analysis of binary data as simple and natural as possible. Bitstrings can be constructed from integers (big and little endian), hex, octal, binary, strings or files.
What is a bit array in Python?
BitArrays - Python Wiki Bit arrays, bitstrings, bit vectors, bit fields. Whatever they are called, these useful objects are often the most compact way to store data. If you can depict your data as boolean values, and can correlate each value with a unique integer, a bit array is a natural choice.
What is the difference between bitstring and BitArray?
I shall use the term ‘bitstring’ when referring generically to any of the classes, and use the class names for parts that apply to only one or another. BitArray objects can be sliced, joined, reversed, inserted into, overwritten, packed, unpacked etc. with simple functions or slice notation.
How to modify the contents of a bit string in BitArray?
A BitArray is a mutable Bits, and so the one thing all of the methods listed here have in common is that they can modify the contents of the bitstring. Join a BitArray to the end of the current BitArray. Change the endianness of the BitArray in-place according to fmt.